GOOD NEWS: Tiny Kittens Rescued During Hurricane Michael

A family of four kittens who fell through a collapsing ceiling during Hurricane Michael have been rescued, thanks to ABC News meteorologist Rob Marciano. He was in Panama City, Florida reporting on the massive storm when a local resident led him to the tiny black and white felines, who were snuggled together in the debris from a damaged home.

The homeowners say the kittens fell through the ceiling when it collapsed, which really surprised them because they had no idea the baby cats were up there. Marciano helped get the kittens in the care of the Panhandle Animal Welfare Society in Fort Walton Beach, and they’re now in foster homes and being bottle-fed as they grow stronger.

The rescue group says the kittens are about three weeks old and will be available for adoption when they’re eight weeks old. Marciano posted on Twitter that he’s gone back three times to the home where the kittens were found to see if their mother was looking for her babies, but he hasn’t seen her. The kitties have been appropriately named after hurricanes: Michael and Harvey for the boys, Opal and Katrina for the girls.

Source: Huffington Post

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