GOOD NEWS: Preemie Graduates From NICU In Cap And Gown

After spending 160 days in the neonatal intensive care unit, little Cullen Porter was finally discharged from the University of Alabama Children’s and Women’s Hospital. The five-month-old fighter was born at 22 weeks and has spent his whole life in the NICU, so when it was time for the baby boy to go, he got a full “graduation” ceremony, complete with a tiny cap and gown.

Cullen is still so small, weighing in at almost six pounds, that his mom, Molli, bought the cap and gown at a Build-A-Bear store. And dad confesses the cap was still a little big. A nurse carried him through the hospital hallway as graduation music played, giving him a proper send-off.

"We're relieved to have everybody home together," says Cullen’s father, Robert. "With everything that could have happened, he is here and thriving."

Source: ABC News

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