A San Francisco fifth grader has been pushing himself through a physical challenge over the last seven weeks and he’s done it all in honor of his grandfather. Niall McDermott saw a movie, “Iron Cowboy,” about a man with the nickname who competed in 50 triathlons in 50 days and he was inspired to do 50 5Ks in 50 days to raise money for his grandpa battling lung cancer.
So some 50 days ago, the 10-year-old ran his first 5K and every day after that, he ran another 5K. His parents told him he could quit anytime he wanted and his pediatrician gave the thumbs up, but no one was really sure the kid could keep up the pace of one 5K a day for 50 days. But Niall did it and in the process, he raised $4,000 in donation pledges to raise money for the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation in honor of his grandfather.
“He never complained a single day, said he didn’t want to do it, or he’s too tired or something hurt. He was just ready to go every day,” his mother, Maggie McDermott says. “I’m amazed. I’ve never really known a kid to do something like this, personally. I’m proud to be his mom.
Source: CBS San Francisco