A hunting trip for a teenage boy and his stepfather turned into a search and rescue mission after they found a “help” sign scratched into the ground near rural Hayden, Idaho. Ryle Gordon, 15, and his stepdad Chris Trumbich were heading to the last trail of the day when they spotted the sign and they realized it could have been written by a local woman who had been missing for two days.
Gordon remembered seeing a Facebook post from the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office about a missing teenager named Katie Ogle and thought she may have written the plea for help. Olge was reported missing on November 1st with multiple medical alerts and authorities say she has the cognitive ability of a 10 to 12-year-old.
The guys gathered a search team to find Katie and finally when someone called “hello,” she answered back “hello” and she was located. The Sheriff’s office says she appears to be in good condition despite her adventure in the woods. As for her rescuers, Gordon says he’s “surprised, and so very grateful that we found Katie.”
Source: KREM
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