Bad dream inspires Good News

Like a lot of kids,Pippa Jacksonis already focused on Christmas presents, but the ones she’s thinking about aren’t for herself. The four-year-old from England is putting together Christmas care packages for kids in need and she was inspired to do it after having a bad dream about some children having no gifts to open on the holiday.

The nightmare set Pippa into action and now she’s set a challenge to create 200 care packages for tots who might not otherwise get presents. Her mom,Kadie, is working with the preschooler to help her reach her goal. They’re making decorations to sell to raise money to buy presents and taking donations as well. Each care package is filled with a gift, colored pencils, stocking stuffers and a hat, scarf and gloves to keep them warm.

"She's very kind hearted, she has a golden heart," Kadie says of Pippa. "She wants to help anyone in need, we're going to go to some women's shelters, orphanages, that sort of thing — anywhere we can to find children to help."

Source:Fox News

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