GOOD NEWS: Students Volunteer As Vaccine Hunters; Help Elderly Score Shots

Thanks to some teens in Maryland, hundreds of people in need in their community have gotten their COVID vaccinations. Sherwood High School 11th graders Kashmira Heaton-Vakharia and FernandoJohnson started volunteering as “vaccine hunters” to help their teachers find appointments for those most at-risk.

Their Spanish teacher, Tanya Aguilar, is part of a group of teachers in Montgomery County who have been scouring websites to nab appointments for older residents, or for those who don’t speak English and are considered vulnerable. These students say they’re excited to join in the search to help people get the vaccine and they’ve already booked 215 appointments between them.

“I wanted to do anything I could to help, and this was a perfect opportunity,” Kashmira explains. And Fernando says securing appointments for people in their community is “an incredibly liberating feeling - every time.”


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