Teacher gives back in a BIG way

A former English teacher left her sizable estate to the school where her career began.Patricia “Patty” McCandlessgot her start in education as a teacher at Springboro High School (formerly Clearcreek High) and was a teacher there from 1961 to 1968.

When she passed away, she left her fortune to the school. It was nearly half a million dollars (over $471-thousand) and at first, the act of kindness stumped district officials with Springboro Schools. Scott Marshall, district communications coordinator and his team did some research and once they traced McCandless’ connection back to the school, it made sense. The school plans to use the money for scholarships and other student initiatives that are still being determined, as well as to create a memorial to honor McCandless’ generosity.

“If you need an example of paying it forward this is about as good as it gets,” Marshall says. “This kind of donation is unprecedented and it's unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.”

Source:Fox News

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