Officer helps lady land a job

A Jacksonville Sheriff officer helps a woman make it to a job interview after her car breaks down. Earlier this week, Amber Battle was headed to a job interview in northeast Jacksonville and was a short distance from the office when her car broke down. Moments later, Officer Sylvia Mitchell with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office was driving by, saw Battle crying by the side of the road, and stopped to check on her.

Battle explained her situation to the officer and asked if Mitchell could give her a ride to the interview. The officer hesitated, but said she would take Battle as long as she didn’t mind riding in the back of her cruiser. Battle agreed and Mitchell drove her to the nearby office.

When the two women arrived at the office for Battle’s interview, Mitchell didn’t just drop her off. She actually stepped inside the office and gave her personal endorsement for Battle to the interviewer, Nicole Lockett. And the endorsement probably helped, because Mitchell ended up getting the job. Locket later posted on Facebook praising Mitchell for her help and Battle for her determination to make it to the interview. “This young lady’s drive and willingness to get to the interview, even in the midst of her car breaking down, speaks volumes.”

Source: News4Jax

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