The Most Difficult Age

Here's a question for parents: At what age are kids the biggest JERKS? 1,000 parents were polled, and 75% chose an age between 13 and 19 . . . so, teenagers. And the #1 answer overall was 15-year-olds.



According to the survey, here are the ten most stressful things about parenting a teenager . . .



1. Dealing with their mood swings.


2. Helping them make important life choices, like college.


3. Allowing them to make their own mistakes.


4. The fact that they spend so much time on technology.


5. Helping them manage their emotions.


6. Dealing with hormones.


7. Helping them with homework.


8. Trusting them to make good decisions.


9. Helping them plan for their future.


10. Worrying about their grades.



Body image, bullies, dating, and social media also made the top 20. 




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