Wallet and $2600 returned

A good Samaritan finds a wallet with $26-hundred in it and turns it over to the police. Last week, an unnamed resident of Wyandotte, Michigan, found a wallet on a busy street in the community on the southside of Detroit. No one would have known if this person had just kept the money, but instead, they turned the wallet over to a Wyandotte police officer to be given back to its proper owner.

The Wyandotte Police Department (WPD) posted about the good deed on social media. Fortunately, the wallet had several pieces of identification in it, so WPD Lieutenant Neil Hunter was able to track down the wallet’s rightful owner and return it to them.

The good Samaritan who found the wallet wished to remain anonymous, but they were rewarded for their good deed. After returning the wallet, Lieutenant Hunter put together a gift bag for the helpful citizen containing a gift card and some WPD swag. The incident was a reminder to the South Detroit community that their neighbors are looking out for one another, or as the WPD put it, “There are still some great people out there!”

Source: TheNewsHerald

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