Have You Heard Of Bed-Rotting?

I've been doing this every weekend for years. We used to just call it "being lazy" . . .



Gen Z's new favorite new term is "BED ROTTING," where you stay in bed all day and relax.



There's not much more to it than that. And there aren't many rules either. You can sleep, eat, watch TV, or just stare at the ceiling. The only rule is you're not allowed to feel GUILTY about it.



The terms "bed rotting" and "bed rot" have been trending online. Videos about it have racked up over 300 MILLION combined views on TikTok.



It's appealing to young people for a few reasons: It doesn't cost anything . . . it's an easy topic to make a TikTok about . . . and if you have roommates or live at home, you're probably spending a lot of time in your room anyway.



But some people think Gen Z's obsession with "self-care" has gone far enough now . . . and maybe the next trend should be to get up and actually DO something. 



(NY Post / Bustle)

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