In the aftermath of the devastating wildfires in Old Lahaina, Maui's culinary community leapt into action to help survivors. Chef Hui, a group of Hawaii-based culinary experts, collaborated with volunteers from organizations like World Central Kitchen to establish a meal distribution center at the University of Hawaii Maui College (UHMC) Culinary Arts facility in Kahului. In fact, their call for volunteers led to an "overwhelming response," from contacts in Maui and from nearby islands willing to provide assistance.
Celebrity chef Lee Anne Wong, whose popular Lahaina-based restaurant was tragically destroyed by the fire, teamed up with Maui chef Sheldon Simeon, owner of Tiffany's Maui and Tin Roof Maui, to help prepare meals for victims and emergency workers at the UHMC kitchen. They also put out a call to chefs, farmers, and vendors to contribute to the cause. "Go ahead and make food over there on your islands in your kitchens," Wong pleaded, “Freeze 'em and ship 'em right here to the college.”
Restaurateurs on other islands also got in on the act. As a show of solidarity, Chef Robynne Maii of Fête Restaurant in Honolulu announced that they would donate an entire day of sales to support the staff of Wong's destroyed restaurant. And to help support other food and beverage workers also affected by the wildfire, the Southern Smoke Foundation is offering emergency relief funding and the group announced their plans to continue offering assistance throughout the rebuilding process.