Move-In Day just got better

Atlanta nonprofit Move-in Day Mafia is helping former foster children transition into college life by assisting them with moving into their dorm rooms. The organization was founded by TeeJ Mercer in 2020 after she learned about a young college grad who was left on campus with no support. Mercer, a Howard University alumna, was inspired to ensure that no student has to face such a transition alone.

The organization focuses on creating personalized dorm rooms for these students, many of whom have never had a room of their own. Volunteers, known as the "mob," make sure that every detail, from wallpapers to headboards, is tailored to each student's preferences and favorite colors. Mina Starks, who provides design assistance, says that making the dorms feel like home helps students feel welcomed and supported as they begin their college journey.

After that first day, the Move-in Day Mafia continues to support students with monthly care packages of essential items like food and school supplies. The organization celebrated its first graduate last spring and hopes to expand to more colleges across the country as funds and volunteers allow. Mercer says what the Move-in Day Mafia does can have a huge impact on the students’ well-being, allowing them to focus on their studies and thrive academically.


***I found the sweetest Vlog from a Freshman moving into the OU dorms last year. This is why it's so important to have someone there like "Move-in Day Mafia". It's a new start. ~Karla

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