Halloween Events in Tulsa!

pumpkin in graveyard

Pumpkin Town - 6060 S Garnett Road - pumpkintownfarms.com

Hallow Marine - 300 Aquarium Drive, Jenks - Hallow Marine

Hallowzooeen - 6421 E. 36th St North, Tulsa - Tulsa Zoo 

BooHaha Parade and Festival on Brookside - 31st to 41st streets on Peoria Ave., Tulsa - BooHaha

Haunted Tulsa Deco Wine Tour - Call for info: 918-510-5653 - Wine Tour

Tulsa Haunts Historic Walk/Run - Fleet Feet Blue Dome - 2nd and Frankfort, Tulsa www.tulsaspirittour.com/

Woodland Hills Mall "Mall-O-Ween" 7021 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa - www.simon.com/mall/woodland-hills-mall

Ghouls on the Green - 111 M.B. Brady St. Downtown Tulsa - guthriegreen.com

Safari Joe's Howl Go Green - 4707 E. 21st st. Tulsa - http://www.safarijoesh2o.com/events

NSU BA Fall Festival - 3100 E. New Orleans St. Broken Arrow - Info: studentaffairsba@nsuok.edu

Halloween Night at the Museum - 1720 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore - http://www.willrogers.com/

Pleasant Valley Farms - 22350 W. 71st St. South - http://www.pleasantvalleyfarmsok.com/

Livesay Orchards - 39232 E. 231st St. South, Porter -  http://livesayorchards.com/

Halloween Festival at Castle Of Muskogee - 3400 W. Fern Road, Muskogee - okcastle.com

Rhema Bible Church Harvest Carnival - 1025 W. Kenosha St. Broken Arrow - www.rbtc.org

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