Chicken gets Obituary

Pet Chicken Gets An Obit In A Texas Newspaper - Big Mama was special and her owners wanted everyone to know it.

A Texas family, mourning the loss of a beloved member of the family, shared their grief in an obituary tribute to her. It was the family’s chicken Big Mama.

The tribute’s first paragraph said “Not many chickens deserve an obituary, but she does.” Stephanie Sword and her family adopted Big Mama in 2013 when her previous owner took the bird to be euthanized and the veterinarian convinced them to put her up for adoption instead.

Big Mama, according to the article, lived a happy life with her humans and other chickens and became the Rhode Island Red the family knew she could. The obit ended with "We will miss her very much. Thank you, Big Mama, for being such a special part of our lives." Source: The Eagle

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