What we think about PIZZA!!

I LOVE pizza...but where do you think the BEST pizza is made in Twister Country??  I need to go try it. ~Karla 

Today is National Pizza Day, and while a lot of people may be grabbing for a slice in honor of the occasion, it’s no secret that people have very different, and specific, feelings when it comes to the delicious cheesy goodness that is a pizza. Well, Cumberland Farms set out to set the record straight about America’s pizza preferences, and some of the results may surprise you. 

When it comes to eating pizza, most people agree, silverware is not needed. The survey finds that 92% of Americans believe pizza is a finger food that should never be eaten with a fork and knife. What’s more, most people start at the bottom, with 78% of Americans saying they eat their slice from end to crust. 

Shockingly, when it comes to toppings, 65% of people say they love cooked pineapple on a pizza, with 33% of Hawaiians saying it’s their favorite type of slice. But dipping pizza in things is another story, with only 47% of people thinking dipping pizza in ranch dressing is delicious, and 52% saying it takes away from the pizza taste.

Finally, most people agree that pizza is good at all times of day, with 85% of folks saying they’d rather eat a leftover slice for breakfast in the morning than a piece of toast.

Source: Yahoo Finance 

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