GOOD NEWS: Couple Can Continue Dream Trip With Stranger’s $1 Sailboat

After selling almost everything to buy a 28-foot sailboat they planned to sail to the Florida Keys on, a couple from Colorado thought their dream was over when it sank. Tanner Broadwell and Nikki Walsh had been living on their sailboat for about a year, but had only just set off on their journey when they hit something by John’s Pass near St. Petersburg and the boat started taking in water.

The couple grabbed some clothes and their IDs and had to leave everything else behind. But when Mark Reinecke read about their story in the news, he wanted to give them one of his sailboats so they could still make their dream come true.

The couple bought the sailboat for $1 and after some repairs, they plan to continue their journey soon, all thanks to this kind stranger. “These kids just had bad luck and were in trouble and needed some help,” says 77-year-old Reinecke. “I’ve had the sailboat since 1985. This is like giving your daughter up to marriage, it’s something that kind of hurts but in the end it’s for the greater good.”

Source: ABC News Go

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