While Brothers Osborne were performing here in Tulsa at River Spirit Casino I was talking to T.J. about his crystal necklace. I think it's Flourite, which is supposed to be a "decision making" crystal...helping make order out of chaos. Their mom is all about crystals and when I tried to give it back to him, he said, "No, you keep it. It's yours now."
I knew it was BEYOND amazing that he took it off his own neck and put it on mine but I didn't know the half of it. It turns out, THIS is the necklace he wore on stage at the CMA Awards to sing "Tulsa Time", with some of my favorite country artists and even Bobby Bones watching! Very cool!!! I think I've called everyone I know:) THANK YOU, T.J. and THANK YOU Brothers Osborne for being so great!!!
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