Little Sammie Vance drew a comic strp about loneliness and it included “buddy benches” for kids who are alone at recess. Then the third grader made her vision a reality. Each bench takes 400 pounds of plastic to make, so Sammie and other kids from Haley Elementary School in Fort Wayne, Indiana collected plastic caps until they had enough.
Sammie and the other students and community members gathered enough plastic caps to have three benches made for her school and even had some left over to donate to other schools. Now no one has to feel lonely for long, thanks to this little girl’s idea.
“If somebody’s lonely or if they’re new to the school and they don’t have anybody to play with, they can sit on the bench,” nine-year-old Sammie explains. “If other people see them on the bench, they’ll come up to them and ask them to play. And they can play together.”
Source: USA Today