GOOD NEWS: Bus Driver Braids Hair Of Student Whose Mom Died

After losing her mom to a rare illness two years ago, Isabella Pieri’s dad taught his little girl how to take care of herself so she could get ready for school in the mornings because he leaves early for work. The 11-year-old Utah girl does a great job, but one thing that she didn’t learn from her dad: how to do her hair.

Luckily, Isabella rides the school bus driven by Tracey Dean. One morning, the girl saw the bus driver braiding another student’s hair and worked up the courage to ask Dean to braid hers, too. Now she styles each girl’s hair almost every morning and it’s made such a difference to them.

Isabella’s teacher says she holds her head a little higher when her hair is styled by Dean. And Isabella looks forward to getting her hair done by the sweet woman who brings her to school. “It makes me feel like she’s a mom pretty much to me,” she says. “And it makes me excited for the next day to see what she does.”

Source: Fox News

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