I recently told you about six-year-old Ian Unger, the first grader who’s been raising money for a service dog to help with his type 1 diabetes. The Michigan boy’s story has gone viral and his pumpkins kept selling out, getting him closer to his goal of $25,000, the cost of the service dog. And now, thanks to a Facebook online fundraiser, Ian has met his goal and he’s getting that dog.
Ian’s mom, Katrina Christensen, says their Facebook fundraiser has brought in about $24,890 and Ian’s pumpkin patch raised a little over $1,000, and he brought in around $110 selling lemonade, so his hard work has paid off. Ian’s pooch has to go through specialized training and will become his in about 10 months.
This service dog will be able to detect changes in Ian’s blood sugar levels about 45 minutes before they show up on a monitor, so having the dog will allow him to ride the bus to school with his friends safely again, something he’s really looking forward to. Now Ian is ecstatic and his mom says she’s very proud of her son.
Source: People
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