GOOD NEWS: Mom Reunited With Kidnapped Son After 31 Years

During a scheduled visit with his father in 1987, 21-month-old Jermaine Allan Mann was allegedly taken by his father. The toddler and his father left Toronto and came to the U.S. where they lived under assumed names until last week, when the dad was caught using forged documents.

Jermaine was told as a child that his mother died when he was a baby and he never knew she was in Canada looking for him all these years. Police in both countries had been trying to find him and had never given up, but they had no luck until recently when his father allegedly used counterfeit birth certificates. Now at 33, Jermaine finally reunited his mother, Lyneth Mann-Lewis. She flew to the U.S. and held her son for the first time in 31 years.

"The words 'Your son is alive, we found him' - that is breathtaking,” Mann-Lewis says. “I am the proof that after 31 long years of suffering one should never give up but be patient, be strong and believe that all things are possible and that anything can transpire.”

Source: BBC

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