When a group of NICU nurses in Missouri pooled their money to buy Mega Millions lottery tickets, they really never thought they’d hit it big. But the 126 nurses from Mercy Children’s Hospital St. Louis ended up coming one number away from the huge $1.6-billion prize and winning $10,000.
After taxes, they won $7,200, but instead of each getting $56, they decided to put their money together and give it to a couple of their coworkers who had the biggest need.
“When it comes to incredible nurses, we hit the jackpot!” Mercy tweeted announcing the decision to gift the winnings to two recipients dealing with heartbreaking situations: nurse Gretchen Post and neonatologist Casey Orellana.
Post’s 17-year-old son tragically committed suicide on the night the Mega Millions winner was announced and this money is going to pay for his funeral. Orellana’s husband was recently diagnosed with sarcoma cancer, so she cut her hours at the hospital in half to help care for him and their two children.
Source: New York Post
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