This time of year, generous strangers are known to pay off layaway accounts at stores to help families in need out during the holidays. And this time, the secret Santa doing the good deed isn’t so secret at all, it’s Kid Rock.
The musician paid off the balances of 350 layaway accounts at a Walmart store in Nashville. The store’s manager says his generosity totaled around $81,000 to pay down all the accounts. And Kid Rock tweeted that he was following the lead of director Tyler Perry, who recently helped pay off layaway balances in Georgia.
"@tylerperry Great idea! I followed your lead and paid off the layaway at my local Walmart in Nashville,” Kid Rock writes on Twitter. “Merry Christmas and God Bless You!"
Now the Walmart customers who were treated to the payoff thanks to the rocker are happily surprised when they’re handed a card explaining that the layaway has been paid off. And they’re signed, “Merry Christmas from your neighbor - Kid Rock!”
Source: Tennessean
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