A radio DJ in the UK helped save a man’s life by keeping him talking on the phone for 30 minutes after he called to say he overdosed. Iain Lee talked to the caller, Chris, live on air while his producer called emergency services.
Chris called talkRADIO, a popular radio station in the UK, and said he had taken an overdose and was dying in the streets in Plymouth, a town in England. Lee was able to get a description and location to help direct emergency services to the caller. The DJ admits there were long periods of silence on the call and he was afraid Chris had died. But he kept him on the phone long enough for help to arrive and saved his life.
Police Inspector Kevin Morley tweeted to thank Lee for his efforts to save the caller. “We will do our best to direct him to long-term support,” he posted. “We all have a role to play in supporting those that are struggling.”
Source: New York Post
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