The government shutdown keeps dragging on, but federal workers who aren’t getting paid are at least getting some help from one of the biggest food brands around. Kraft has just opened a pop-up grocery store where federal government workers can bring home a bag full of Kraft products for free.
Current government employees with a government ID can come to the “Kraft Now Pay Later” shop to load up on staples including Kraft Mac & Cheese, Kraft Singles, and Kraft salad dressings. Instead of charging for the food, Kraft just asks workers to “pay it forward by donating to a charity of choice or someone in need once they are able to do so.”
“This store is one way we can help those affected get the grocery staples they need,” explains Sergio Eleuterio, head of marketing for Kraft. “And we celebrate all who are doing their part to help.”
Source: Delish
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