Wacky Cat and Dog Names

Whether you’re a dog or cat person, picking the right name for your pet can be as serious as picking the right name for your child, and there are certainly some people out there who like to get creative. 

Nationwide Insurance, which provides pet health insurance, analyzed their records to come up with their annual list of the wackiest pet names and some of them are downright brilliant, although we feel a little bad for the animals.

Coming in at number one for dogs is DJ Skribbles & Bits, followed closely by Stella Bean Dip and Big League Chewie. On the cat side, Jean Clawed Van Damme, followed by Boba Fetticini and Henry Hissinger. 

Top Ten Wackiest Dog Names

  1. DJ Skribbles and Bits
  2. Stella Bean Dip
  3. Big League Chewie
  4. Ruff Bader Ginsburg
  5. Bilbo Beggins
  6. Nostadogmus
  7. Albus Dumbledog
  8. Grampaw
  9. Indiana Bones
  10. Captain Morgan Freeman

Top Ten Wackiest Cat Names

  1. Jean Clawed Van Damme
  2. Boba Fetticini
  3. Henry Hissinger
  4. Avocato
  5. Wu Tang Cat
  6. Schtinky Puddin
  7. Hairy Pawter
  8. Reece Whiskerspoon
  9. Dave Meowthews
  10. Alclawchino

Source:Nationwide Insurance

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