A California couple have been keeping their neighbors entertained since stay-at-home orders went into effect back in March. It started withBeong-Soon Kimpracticing his cello on his Pasadena porch and people would top to listen. Then he enlisted his wife,Bonnie Wongtrakool, to join in by playing the piano and they’ve been playing hour-long porch concerts every weekend since.
The couple keeps things fun and fresh by not setting a regular schedule, which also keeps the crowds down for safer social distancing. But when they do play, neighbors come and set up their lawn chairs or stand in the street to hear what has to be the only live in-person performances they’ve been to in months. The concerts have also included guest performers, even some professional musicians from the Los Angeles philharmonic.
Kim and Bonnie aren’t professional musicians, he’s a lawyer and she’s a portfolio manager and both say music holds a special place in their hearts. Their performances have given their neighbors the opportunity to get to know each other and Kim says, “It’s just something that we're trying to do for people during this particularly difficult time.”
Source:Good Morning America