GOOD NEWS: Woman Spreads Kindness To Airport Travelers

  • Frequent flyer Catharine Knight is trying to bring smiles to masked travelers in airports.
  • She and her son make cards with uplifting messages to share with strangers and she passes them out to lift people’s spirits.
  • “People need to know there’s still kindness in this world,” she says.

The frequent flyer and her son create cards with uplifting messages and she passes them out to help lift the spirits of her fellow travelers.

Since everyone’s wearing a mask, you can’t see if they’re smiling or sad, Knight explains, adding that she watches people’s eyes to see if they need a little pick-me-up. “People need to know that there’s still kindness in this world,” she says.

This random act of kindness project started three years ago with Knight and her son Parker writing positive notes for people they’ve never met and will probably never see again. They’ve given out more than 25-thousand so far and she just hopes their cards shine some light when people need it most.

Source:CBS News

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