GOOD NEWS: Community’s Operation Jack Rabbit Provides Easter Baskets

When Jack Ryan was only four, he asked his mom if they could help the Easter Bunny out and she agreed. The Jamestown, Rhode Island, teen and his mom made and donated eight Easter pails to help families in need that first year, but the act of kindness has grown into a community-wide project now called “Operation Jack Rabbit.”

Jack and his family have continued the Easter pails year after year, with other locals getting involved in the giving as well. This year, they’re creating and donating 850 of them, filled with candy, crayons, stuffed animals, toys and more. They’ll be given to families in need and nonprofits around the state that help those who are struggling.

“It's the right thing to do, it makes a lot of kids happy,” Ryan says. “I definitely think kids need something especially this year with what they're going through. It feels good knowing that you did something nice.”

Source:Turn To 10

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