Two years ago,Aisha Nievesof Allentown, PA lost her dog Kovu when he disappeared and she didn’t find him...until now. She adopted the pittie mix when he was 7 months old and had him until he went missing in 2019.
Recently, she decided to get a dog for her sons, so she looked up the local shelter online. There in the photos was a dog that looked like Kovu. When she saw the scar above his eye, she screamed “Oh my God, that's my baby, that's Kovu!"
But where had he been all this time? Weeks after he went missing, he ended up at the shelter in bad health. They treated him and he was adopted out. The family recently surrendered him because they were being evicted. Then Aisha saw the photo.
It was a tearful reunion for Kovu and Aisha, with the two kissing and hugging. Aisha told him, “Yeah, buddy, you're going home. I'm so sorry this happened. Never again am I losing you.” He’s settling in to his first, and you can bet last, home again.