- A truck driver's brakes went out while on a highway
- He used a runaway truck ramp and while it did stop the truck, it also spilled his cargo: more than 42-thousand pounds of beer
- No one was injured
First, eels spilled on the highway. Now, beer. Adam Catic was driving a semi-truck in Colorado when his breaks went out. Fortunately he was able to use the runaway truck ramp. Unfortunately for him and the company he was driving for, the 42-thousand pounds of beer he was carrying spilled.
And no, we don't know why they're calling it "pounds" and not "gallons." But it suffices to say that it's a LOT!
“It was an absolute fountain of beer,” Rachel Smith, who was driving behind Catic, remembers. “The beer was just absolutely everywhere. It was pretty hilarious.” She pulled over to check on the driver, who was uninjured.
Check out Rachel's video on the incident HERE.
Source: The Durango Herald