THIS FRIDAY, June 1st!!! The new Bobby Bones Show #PIMPINJOY retro line goes up at 9am CT w @theshopforward. ALL proceeds go to support our military...specifically @k9sforwarriors...where they provide service dogs to warriors suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, etc. BE READY TO SHOP + SUPPORT OUR VETS. 🐶 🇺🇸 (p.s. we get to name each dog we fund...have any name ideas???) for details and to shop!!!
#PIMPINJOY is a movement, a celebration dedicated to people who may be going through a rough time...but they choose to find and spread joy in their daily lives. The movement started with @radioamy’s mom, Judy, and the positive #PIMPINJOY message she modeled so beautifully as she battled cancer. Will you choose joy for yourself? Then spread that joy to others? We hope so!!! We also hope that wearing your #PIMPINJOY gear will remind you to encourage you to choose and spread joy. #PIMPINJOY, paying it forward, and spreading joy!
Find out MORE about K9 WARRIORS!