It's Almost St Paddy's Day

 If you're planning to booze it up for St. Patrick's Day, you're actually in the MINORITY.  (???) 44% of people plan to celebrate one way or another. But only around a third of those people will be drinking.  (Roughly a third of Americans never drink, by the way.)



Those of us who ARE drinking will more than make up for it though. Here are a few boozy St. Patrick's Day stats . . .



1. For people who do plan to drink, beer is the top choice by far. 70% will buy beer . . . 34% will buy hard alcohol . . . 29% will buy wine . . . and 17% are buying hard seltzers. Almost a third of younger drinkers plan to buy those.



2. American lagers like Budweiser and Coors are the top beers we'll be drinking. Half of beer drinkers will reach for them. 31% will go for stouts like Guinness.



3. Irish beers always see a huge bump around St. Patrick's Day. Normally, Guinness is the 17th best-selling beer in the U.S. But in March, it jumps to 9th.



4. Where you live can predict what kind of beer you're drinking. Midwesterners are the most likely to drink pilsners . . . people in the Northeast love IPAs . . . and folks out West buy more imported lagers, like Corona. 



(Vinepair / Numerator)

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